Prime Resins News

I&I elimiNATION Presentations now Available for Streaming

View presentations from 8 I&I subject matter experts

Prime Resins is fanatical about stopping Infiltration in the Wastewater Collection System. Why? Because it’s the first step toward structural decay and I/we/you want our existing underground infrastructure to last. Our very own Don Rigby produced an educational event at UCT 2021 this summer called I&I ElimiNATION. And had the wisdom to video capture eight 8 subject matter experts on topics supporting the Causes, Consequences, and Corrective Action. If you were at this Nashville event, you may have given it a standing ovation. Today, you can give it your attention.  With a theme line—THINK LIKE WATER, ACT LIKE ESSENTIAL—you may become the hero of your community, your contracting or engineering firm.  Enjoy!

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