Leak Repair

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Conduit Seal is a kit for stopping water seepage around pipe penetrations

Prime Resins’ Conduit Seal is a quick and convenient method of stopping water seepage around pipe penetrations or around cable in conduit. It comes in a kit and is easy to use.


Contents of Kit
- 8 pair of vinyl gloves
- 1 liter Prime Flex Hydro Gel SX™ in a measuring bottle
- 8 bags of Oakum (12” in each bag)
- One 2-gallon plastic bucket (for water)
- Two insertion sticks

Directions for Use
1. Put on the rubber gloves enclosed.
2. Remove the black cap from the measuring side of the bottle.
3. Squeeze the large side of the Hydro Gel SX
4. Empty the four ounces of Hydro Gel SX into the mixing bag containing the Oakum.
5. Knead until Oakum is uniformly saturated.
6. Remove the saturated Oakum from the bag.
7. Submerge the Oakum in a bucket of water and squeeze to begin the chemical reaction.
8. IMMEDIATELY wrap the individual cables or pipe to a depth of 2” to 3” and use the insertion stick to push it back into the annular space.

Accessory Products
Prime Flex oakum is compatible with all Prime Flex hydrophilic resins.



Conduit Seal Kit