Seal leaks in concrete or masonry with crack injection and curtain grouting of our Prime Flex polyurethanes and AR acrylate resins. Prime Resins offers superior solutions for stopping leaks in every type of environment.
Sound concrete relies on a sound substrate. Stabilize soils and fill voids with our polyurethane and acrylate foams and gels. We make chemical grouts for permeation and compaction grouting in wet and dry conditions.
Slab lifting and slab stabilization with polyurethane foams offers many advantages over traditional mudjacking. Only Precision Lift is engineered to tackle underlying issues and slab lifting with precise, dependable results.
Spalled concrete is concrete that is chipped, cracked and deteriorating. This often happens at a joint.
You can repair a seawall or bulkhead with Prime Resins chemical grouts: fill voids, stabilize loose soil and seal leaks at a fraction of the cost of wall replacement.
The need for crack repair in concrete structures can be caused by many different factors. Damage can occur to the concrete in situations where direct impact puts stress on one area of the structure.
The geotechnical needs of DOTs and other agencies responsible for roads and bridges are vast. Issues include: Culvert repair Soil stabilization Void filling Concrete slab lifting Sinkhole remediation Slope control Slough control in tunneling
Protecting concrete usually means shielding it from the elements of nature or from harsh manmade chemicals. But it’s not just concrete that needs such protection. Corrugated metal pipe, steel surfaces, material hoppers, rail cars and masonry all can come in contact with corrosive or abrasive materials or harsh conditions.
Are you ready to hit the ground running doing concrete leveling with polyurethane foam? Prime Resins offers the industry’s best suite of products for lifting concrete as a turnkey, fully equipped trailer rig.
Prime Resins takes pride in its ability to find the right solutions to the problems facing our customers. Here are some examples of customers’ successful jobs:
The superior quality of products at a fair price, our consultative approach, and our unparalleled technical support set Prime Resins apart. Learn more about the Prime difference.
Technical consultation and on-site training make the difference
Contractor: S.J. Louis Construction, Inc.
Client: City of Des Moines, Iowa
PROBLEM: The City of Des Moines, Iowa, was installing more than four miles of 60” diameter reinforced concrete pipe with Ameron Lining, bell and spigot in 8’ sections for a sewer main. After a large portion of the pipe had been installed and backfilled, the project engineer inspected the pipes and found groundwater leaking at the connection joints. Many of the gasket seals between the pipe sections were not sealing properly and hydrostatic pressures were significant enough to produce leaks. The Ameron Lining System that had been welded at the joint connections had formed “blisters” at the leaking joints. The city contracted S.J. Louis Construction, Inc. to repair the problem joints.
S.J. Louis superintendent Ray Hawkinson’s initial attempts to repair the leaks were unsuccessful.
“We weren’t having any luck with the outfit we were using,” said Hawkinson. The need to rework many joints multiple times made progress slow, so he searched for a product that would perform better and be more cost-effective.
“The chemicals we were using would set up right away and didn’t allow us to get spots that were leaking, so we’d have to go back and go back and go back,” said Hawkinson. Through the advice of another contractor, he contacted Prime Resins technical consultant Adam Goldstone to discuss the repair options for this project.
SOLUTION: The repair plan designed for this project involved a combination of simple but specialized equipment and installation techniques to use hydrophilic and hydrophobic water-activated polyurethane injection resins designed specifically for sealing leaks in concrete structures.
The products used included: Prime Flex 900 XLV, a water-activated polyurethane resin, injected with a dual-component M2 Air Pump assembled by Prime Resins, and Prime Flex 920, a water-activated hydrophobic polyurethane resin, injected by a Titan electric airless single-component pump.
Prime Resins’ material is engineered to maintain a flowable consistency, which enhances the resin’s ability to completely fill the joint and seal out infiltration.
“It was excellent. Many times it would seal the next joint downstream,” said Hawkinson.
To facilitate a successful job, Goldstone and an associate traveled to the job site to train S.J. Louis’s field personnel on proper injection techniques. They worked alongside the field personnel for two days, sharing their combined 30+ years of chemical grouting experience.
“The hands-on training helped greatly, and to me, it’s one of Prime Resins’ best selling features,” Hawkinson said.
BENEFIT: After completing the training, the S.J. Louis crew was able to successfully seal an average of 15 joints per day, significantly reducing the cost of repairs versus previous methods and the use of subcontractors. This project is 100% complete and S.J. Louis has not had a callback.