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Looking for a contractor?

Looking for a contractor?

If you are looking for a contractor in your area who uses our products for concrete repair and soil improvement, we can refer you to an appropriate, qualified company. Chemical grouts, including polyurethane foams, epoxies, polyureas and acrylates can be used for crack repair, waterproofing, leak sealing, slab lifting, and soil stabilization in residential and commercial projects, preventing the need for major excavation or replacement.


Here are some of the types of services you may be looking for:


  • Repairing cracks in basement or foundation walls
  • Curtain grouting of basement or foundation walls—waterproofing from the inside out
  • Leveling concrete sidewalks
  • Raising concrete steps that have sunken or pulled away from the structure
  • Leveling and stabilizing concrete pool deck sections
  • Repairing seawalls and bulkheads
  • Stabilizing soil to prevent further erosion
  • Sinkhole repair


We also have a full roster of contractors who do major commercial and industrial projects, including sealing leaks in dams, nuclear power plant cooling tanks, water treatment tanks, sewer and water pipes, potable water tanks, etc. They do soil stabilization and slab leveling or stabilization projects for DOTs, municipalities, property management companies, universities, railroad authorities and others.


Give the appropriate rep below a call and he will refer you to a contractor who works in your area. If your need is urgent and you can’t get your rep on the phone immediately, contact Adam at 678-750-4903 or adam.goldstone @


Florida, Georgia North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and the Caribbean

 David Dingler: 678-750-4906 or david.dingler @




Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut

Scott Kelly: 470-609-4518 or scott.kelly @



Mid-Atlantic, upper Midwest, eastern Canada

New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Ohio, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee 

Scott Kelly: 470-609-4518 or scott.kelly @


Upper Great Plains / Midwest

North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana

Jack Weesner: 678-750-4223 or jack.weesner @



Midwest, mid-South, Southwest

Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama

Wendy Rouleau: 678-750-4876 or wendy.rouleau @



California, Nevada, Southwest, Northwest, Western Canada

California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, Washington, Oregon, Alaska, Hawaii, Western Canada (Manitoba and west)

Rick Broadrick: 470-609-4489 or rick.broadrick @



General questions / customer service calls

Adam Goldstone: 678-750-4903 or adam.goldstone @



International markets

Michael Vargo: 678-750-4901 or michael.vargo @




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Head Office

  • 2291 Plunkett Road
  • Conyers
  • GA 30012
  • USA


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California Supply Chain Act